Wednesday, July 22, 2009
LONDON - Fri.June.17
Saturday, July 11, 2009
DUBLIN - Wed.July.8
So we had a chance to play Dublin, and it turned out ot be a wonderful night. Getting to Dublin from London by train and ferry instead of plane took longer, but it was relaxing for the most part. Nothing sucks more than airports to us. The next time we want to see one is one the way home and that's it! But, on to better times...
We got to Dublin at 5:30 and had to sound check at 8pm, so we had time to get to the hotel, get a bite to eat and find The Glo
Then, the soundman came up to us and called us a "turd". Ahaha! No, just kidding. He said to us, "Ok, yer going on turd." After which I asked him to repeat what he said, and I figured our
They turned out to be quite a nice pair and we had some good conversation about music and touring with them. Laura felt great about the set. I, personally, felt like Jezzebelle got the better of us. And it was well deserved. Like I said before, they ripped! It was all fun and games; no hate, just love and respect for another duo making wonderful music.
We ended the night at Rick's, a burger joint and some good sleep. We got up the next day for the pre-requisite tour of the Guiness factory and it was AWESOME! A must do in Dublin. And then we ferry'd and train'd it back to London. We got one more show in London, and then it's time to go home. Looking forward to the show and looking forward to going home!
See ya at The Troubadour, London.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
LONDON - Fri.July.3
Before we even start talking about the show, let's mention the fact that getting to London was AWESOME!! We got upgraded to FIRST CLASS for no extra charge!!! Now, I don't know about you, but that was the first time we flew across the pond in style. WHAT!!???! Leather seats that rotated and leaned in 50 different directions; a constant supply of libations; fresh seafood appetizers prepared right at you seat!! We wanted the flight to last 3 times as long. Seriously, we could so get used to how the other half lives : )...but back to reality now.
If you've never been to London, make it happen. The city is amazing and HUGE. There are a million things going on at any given time, and we were one of them last night. We got to venue by Tube (subway) and it was hot and musty, but it made surfacing to a warm afternoon seem cooler. The venue wanted us there to sound check at 6pm; we were to play at 9pm. It's always funny for us to show up so early for sound checks. We plug in the acoustic, check two mics and are basically done. All in all, an action packed 3 minutes!
We had an odd booking, being slotted to play between to indie-rock bands, who were pretty loud at the sound check. I mean LOUD! So here is Calahoney, barely registering and two other bands blowing the back out of the house. Well as it turns out the first band got there a bit late after being stuck in traffic and they pushed our set back to 10pm. Tra-la-la. Waiting, waiting. No worries, they we pretty good! INDIGO from Suffolk. They were also young; made us feel...uh...what's the word...seasoned! Ahaha.
We get on and played a really good set. The sound was crystal clear! And best of all, for most of our set you could hear a pin drop in the back, the crowd was so attentive. The highlight of the night was Laura just killing it on Waving from the Whims, which she has been doing all tour, and playing London Eludes Me in freaking London. That felt awesome. Laura and I looked at each other in the middle of the song and almost broke out into laughter! We got a recording of the night and if it sounds good, we're gonna put some live tracks up for mass consumption.
The night ended with a band called Princip turning the amps to 11 and playing a short, punk-inspired set. We called it a night in the middle of their set. Not to offend, but we had a 45 min. Tube ride back to the house. So, had to go.
The Fiddler's Elbow has been around for 40+ years and they we're really nice to us. The sound man, Guthier (a Frenchman), was the nicest sound guy we've met the whole tour. Helpful as hell. The only problem with the place, and well the UK in general, is that all the Scotch pours are vehemently measured out! NO OVER-POURS! You get a dram, and that's it. In the States (and on that damn FIRST CLASS plane ride) you sometimes get a dram of Scotch 3 or 4 fingers deep!!! Now, that's a pour! But, other than that London has not eluded us yet this summer, and we're here for two more weeks. We leave next Wed. for a show in Dublin, and are back in London for a few shows. This summer tour is closing soon, but it ain't over yet!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
NYC - Sun.June.28
Alright, alright. Our NYC show was awesome!! What a way to finish off the US leg of our "Enjoy Your Day Job" summer tour. We were lucky to be joined on stage by our friend and amazing violinist, Calum Pasqua (check him out at He just released his new album In Conversation, and it is spectacular. He added such a new dynamic to our songs that we will do everything in our power to make sure he appears on our next album. Even if we gotta kidnap him ; )
So, we got a chance to stay in NYC for a few days before and after the show. We mostly ate, which is what one does in NY-dim sum in Chinatown, a bit of shopping for cool stuff, and plenty of catching up with old friends and family. And so Sunday night came...
We got to 169Bar in the Lower East Side a bit earlier than we would for regular shows because we didn't know where the hell it was. Google maps was being elusive, but we managed after a train ride and a cab ride to locate the lil'place. Found it and went off to eat a bite before showtime. Found a cool little Israli place down the block and had a great chicken and cous-cous dish, but not too much. Can't get too full before playing or you end up feeling like a blimp about to burst. Our set time was pushed back an hour.
With the help of Nicole Trucchio among others, the place got pretty packed, which made the house happy, which in turn made them treat us very well. A happy house (read packed) is good for a band. They actually treat you like artists and not dogs!
We did a smoking 40-45 min set, accentuated by Calum's beautiful violin. We found ourselves listening to him take solos and fills and came close to missing our own cues a few times. A really magical night. And now Calahoney is Hollywood endorsed. Figuratively speaking...Luis Guzman, who has has major and small roles in just about every movie out there, was sitting at the bar the whole time with his friend Eddie, and they really liked the tunes. So much so, that at the end of our set, they were one of the first to come up and compliment us and buy CD's. It was a cool and surreal. The guy was just hanging out that night and got the Calahoney treat to the ears. NYC, what can you say? Funny thing was that he broke out the "You guys are going places" line to which I answered, "Yeah, London!"
And that's were we just landed. Here for 3 dates, and a slew of open mics. This summer has been pretty good to Calahoney so far, and we have not doubt it will continue. We hope. Next show, The Fiddler's Elbow, London, UK. Until then...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Philly Goose Egg!!! That's all I've got to say about our bombing out in Philly. The tour has been going so well, I guess it was bound to happen. Oh well, it went a bit like this:
We got stuck in serious traffic going from DC to Philly and it put us seriously behind schedule. A stress to start. But, no worries right? We make it out to Philly near 8:30 pm and rush to check into the hotel, get changed, and rush to Fergie's Pub on Sansom St. for a 10pm show. Damn. After parking and unloading at the WRONG hotel (who knew there'd be two of the same hotels 5 blocks from each other) we find the right hotel and run in and out on the way to the venue.
We get there and the house has no idea that we're even supposed to play. Great. But, they were accommodating and I guess used to working with that promoter, so they said we
The comedy act had a packed house out there and as soon as they were done, the crowd dissipates. And the ones who stayed around, were talking louder than we were playing. Fair enough. We started playing a few songs and then out of nowhere the bartender starts shutting down the place. Jeeeezzz. We played five songs and decided to start enjoying libations of choice instead to put out the flames. I guess in retrospect, we had little to do with it, but that shit still sucked!
So we ended up enjoying Philadelphia to the most. Got to wake up and hang out and eat a great cheesesteak! And Philly is a great city for art. Truly beautiful and other than
Oh well. We got NYC on Sunday and then off to London next week. Better to get the dud show out of the way before we take off : )
See you all in NYC!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
CHAPEL HILL - Fri.June.19
Played outside tonight in the Carolina summer and felt it! It was sweltering!! Holy Humidity...but it was beautiful out there. As we set up, there were some lightning bugs flying around and we expected to be in for a treat as we played. But, no. They sort of went away as the night went on. I think it was the lights that scared them away.
The day itself set up pretty easy. Drove into Chapel Hill around 4pm, checked into the motel, grabbed a bite to eat, and off to Caffe Driade to set up and play. It all went rather quickly. Like other coffeehouse gigs this one also started off a bit slow, but the crowd filled in nicely towards the end of the night. Highlight of the show for us? My father (who drove up for the show) screaming obscenities into his cellphone in the middle of us doing Sweet Jane! I don't even know what he was cussing about, but damn if I didn't end up laughing about it. Later!
We played three short sets, making sure to rehydrate in between each. I really like Brooklyn Lager! We introduced a new song into the set titled Curtain Call, a nice little dittie about breaking it off. Ah, so sweet. It went over well and I think that it will be a great record when we record it late fall.
The night went on without a hitch and we we're eating a slice of pizza down the street shortly after that before returning to the hotel for cold, refreshing showers. Ice cold! Caffe Draide is a beautiful place nestled in the woods and with an amazing tree-lined back drop. Highly recomended for it's beauty and it's great beers.
Tomorrow off to Virginia. Long drive, so...good night. See you then.