Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Thank You's and Final Thought on the Calahoney "Enjoy Your Day Job" Summer Tour...

What a great summer! We feel sooooo lucky to have had the opportunity to play for so many people in so many different places this summer. We KNOW how lucky we are! The business of music can get so convoluted and confusing that it seems easy to forget what the hell the real purpose is. We believe that it's all about sharing good music with people. Sharing a bit of oneself with friends, strangers, family...whoever. If we never get to play another show again (which we hope is not the case), no one can take away from us what we accomplished this summer on our own! Wait, did we say on our own??? Uh...we had help...and it's time to thank a whole lot of people. Take a second to read on at our request to respect and thank the people who made this summer tour possible. No matter if they promoted shows, or just gave us a bite to eat on the way. Everyone of them touched our lives and helped Calahoney complete a successful summer tour! So...

A HUGE THANKS goes to: Amber, our Calahoney UK manager & whip-cracker, and Timme for putting us up at Ealing Broadway through heat-waves, rain, sunshine in the face, and crappy District Line service on the Tube! Nicole, the NY goddess, and Rick for making NY one of our best shows. Calum Pasqua for the amazing violin work and social wake-up calls!!! Dawn, Bill, & Sedona Hutchinson for the awesome support in the Atl. and a unforgettable stay at Chez Hutchinson (can't wait to go back!). Kelly Harden for the e-mail blasts. The Tampa family, Titi Ernita and the weird blow-up mattress. Lou Lozada for the awesome pics. Virginia and Tom in Jax (both ways!) The Askins Fam in Atl. Pops in NC, you're nuts and I love you!! Scott & Karen, Slow Stride mastermind, for opening their new home; let's get to work on the new album! Uncle Donny at the Tratan Club. Julio, Alison, and baby Mateo! Charlie the awesome chef! THE ENTIRE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA for the warm reception (sic)!! The Cefalu family for our Long Island retreat at the compound; your warmth and love was a great send off to Europe. Def Ro, just for caring! The VAGALONGERS (Kevin & Idalis) for inspiration. To everyone who came out to support us and read the blogs and left messages and sent e-mails and just cared about us, it was because of you that we succeeded this summer! Thank you, thank you, thank you and we'll see you real soon!



LONDON - Fri.June.17

Last show of the tour...

We played The Troubadour to end the tour and it was a blast! The Troubadour has some serious history, having played host to the likes of Dylan, Joni Mitchell, and Hendrix! HENDRIX for chrisakes!! Just being there was enough to cause a sensory over-load.

We got to the venue fairly early. Again at the request of the soundman, and again as has been the case all tour, we waited for the other acts to sound check and then we did our quick 3 minutes. Guitar? Yep. Laura Vocal? Yep. Josue Vocal? uh..Yep. And that was that.

We went on early, around 8:30, which if I'm not mistaken has been the earliest we've played the entire tour. But we were kinda stoked on that, because we could then just relax and listen to the rest of the bands and CHILL! We played a smoking 40 min set, accentuated by me modifying the set list mid-set and asking Laura to do Waving from the Whims for me. She absolutely killed it!! What a way to end the tour. Her voice soared, and I just listened and smiled, and actually sang along away fromn the mic like a fan. It was an awesome moment. The house was packed; the crowd called for an encore, but the soundman denied us (what a mook!). Whatever, we went on to commence the celebration. Tour Over! Success!

The drinks were expensive, but what did we care. We had sold some CD's and basically left the money at the bar. Who cares! Favorite moment of the night was watching this awesome ska band DANNY FONTAINE & THE HORNS OF FURY ( They killed it and by that time I was feeling no pain, and was dancing my arse off. Great fun and a good night! And that was it. Went home to sleep and try to catch a 8am flight back to the USA.

What a summer! What a blast! Check the THANK YOU post for, well, thank you's and final thoughts on the "Enjoy Your Day Job" Summer Tour.

Cheers and until next time


Saturday, July 11, 2009

DUBLIN - Wed.July.8

Ahhh...The Emerald Isle!

So we had a chance to play Dublin, and it turned out ot be a wonderful night. Getting to Dublin from London by train and ferry instead of plane took longer, but it was relaxing for the most part. Nothing sucks more than airports to us. The next time we want to see one is one the way home and that's it! But, on to better times...

We got to Dublin at 5:30 and had to sound check at 8pm, so we had time to get to the hotel, get a bite to eat and find The Globe, which hosted The Song Room that night. We found the hotel with little hassle (nice place), found a little restaurant to grab a bite and some wine, and found The Globe. And the we got our first pint of Guiness! Ahh...nothing like it. So we got our second pint,and then our third. Yes, Dublin was feeling pretty good to us right about that time.

Then, the soundman came up to us and called us a "turd". Ahaha! No, just kidding. He said to us, "Ok, yer going on turd." After which I asked him to repeat what he said, and I figured our that we were going on THIRD. OK. No problem. Except...that the act going on second was a girl/guy duo, singing harmonies, and playing a similar brand of alt-blues/indie-country. And they were very good! By this time we had started tasting the Jameson's, and our competitive streak was in full effect. The group was Jezzebelle (check them out at and we watched them intently, studying their every move and note. They ripped! And it was time for us to jump on. We're not ones to lay down and roll over, so we played a smoking set too. Jumped right into Whiskey Girl and never looked back. Great 35 minute set and that was that. A few times I looked over at where Jezzebelle was sitting and I could tell that they were doing their own fair bit of listening and studying. Cool.

They turned out to be quite a nice pair and we had some good conversation about music and touring with them. Laura felt great about the set. I, personally, felt like Jezzebelle got the better of us. And it was well deserved. Like I said before, they ripped! It was all fun and games; no hate, just love and respect for another duo making wonderful music.

We ended the night at Rick's, a burger joint and some good sleep. We got up the next day for the pre-requisite tour of the Guiness factory and it was AWESOME! A must do in Dublin. And then we ferry'd and train'd it back to London. We got one more show in London, and then it's time to go home. Looking forward to the show and looking forward to going home!

See ya at The Troubadour, London.



Saturday, July 4, 2009

LONDON - Fri.July.3

The Fiddler's Elbow - Candem

Before we even start talking about the show, let's mention the fact that getting to London was AWESOME!! We got upgraded to FIRST CLASS for no extra charge!!! Now, I don't know about you, but that was the first time we flew across the pond in style. WHAT!!???! Leather seats that rotated and leaned in 50 different directions; a constant supply of libations; fresh seafood appetizers prepared right at you seat!! We wanted the flight to last 3 times as long. Seriously, we could so get used to how the other half lives : )...but back to reality now.

If you've never been to London, make it happen. The city is amazing and HUGE. There are a million things going on at any given time, and we were one of them last night. We got to venue by Tube (subway) and it was hot and musty, but it made surfacing to a warm afternoon seem cooler. The venue wanted us there to sound check at 6pm; we were to play at 9pm. It's always funny for us to show up so early for sound checks. We plug in the acoustic, check two mics and are basically done. All in all, an action packed 3 minutes!

We had an odd booking, being slotted to play between to indie-rock bands, who were pretty loud at the sound check. I mean LOUD! So here is Calahoney, barely registering and two other bands blowing the back out of the house. Well as it turns out the first band got there a bit late after being stuck in traffic and they pushed our set back to 10pm. Tra-la-la. Waiting, waiting. No worries, they we pretty good! INDIGO from Suffolk. They were also young; made us feel...uh...what's the word...seasoned! Ahaha.

We get on and played a really good set. The sound was crystal clear! And best of all, for most of our set you could hear a pin drop in the back, the crowd was so attentive. The highlight of the night was Laura just killing it on Waving from the Whims, which she has been doing all tour, and playing London Eludes Me in freaking London. That felt awesome. Laura and I looked at each other in the middle of the song and almost broke out into laughter! We got a recording of the night and if it sounds good, we're gonna put some live tracks up for mass consumption.

The night ended with a band called Princip turning the amps to 11 and playing a short, punk-inspired set. We called it a night in the middle of their set. Not to offend, but we had a 45 min. Tube ride back to the house. So, had to go.

The Fiddler's Elbow has been around for 40+ years and they we're really nice to us. The sound man, Guthier (a Frenchman), was the nicest sound guy we've met the whole tour. Helpful as hell. The only problem with the place, and well the UK in general, is that all the Scotch pours are vehemently measured out! NO OVER-POURS! You get a dram, and that's it. In the States (and on that damn FIRST CLASS plane ride) you sometimes get a dram of Scotch 3 or 4 fingers deep!!! Now, that's a pour! But, other than that London has not eluded us yet this summer, and we're here for two more weeks. We leave next Wed. for a show in Dublin, and are back in London for a few shows. This summer tour is closing soon, but it ain't over yet!

