J- We set up the space today and got to work. Spent some time playing the new songs for Scott, el producero of this whole tomfoolery, while he took notes and scrutinized our every note...harsh! Just kidding. Scott is actually a great person to work with because of his patience and vast knowledge of music.
The first song we tackled was London Eludes Me and our first and second takes were quite successful...so we did more takes (at Scott's urging) and now we have plenty of takes to take our pick from (hardy-har). Laura ended up singing her main vocal part by candlelight around midnight. It was quite moody and I actually wished I was in London.
I have my pick of great guitars out here and have been using a Larrivee that a friend of mine, Mike Adams, gave to me. I love that guitar with all my heart. Thanks Mike!
Tomorrow we tackle mores songs and try to make it into town for a bit. We haven't left The Grove all day. We keep finding out new things about this wonderful place, like the fact that it was at one point in the '60s, to no surprise, an artist community. We are meant to be right here right now.
PS. Equipment gremlins are around every corner; it took us 20 mins to tune a mandolin. I swear we are not tonedeaf! I think...
1 comment:
Laura and Josue, glad to know that you made it up to the Grove safely. Things back here in Miami Beach are good, though lonely. I spent the weekend catching up on sleep and chores. Maybe this weekend is a taste of what is to come having friends so far away.
Scott, thanks for hosting Skylark and working out the recording details. There's something special in it for you.
Continued good luck to you guys. I like the second shot with the Surfrider sticker in it. Represent! See you guys when you get back, but take your time and enjoy the moment(s).
Fly Skylark Fly!
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